========================================================================================================= Wall-resolved LES database of side-wall inteference flowfield @ Re_L = 1.0E6 Originally uploaded on February 9, 2024 Copyright (c) Yoshiharu Tamaki and Soshi Kawai. All Rights Reserved. Contact: kawai@tohoku.ac.jp ========================================================================================================= Original paper: Yoshiharu Tamaki & Soshi Kawai, "Turbulence anisotropy effects on corner-flow separation: physics and turbulence modeling" Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 980, A21 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2024.25 ========================================================================================================= This database includes # streamwize slices (x/L=1.0~2.0) 3x825x825 (i,j,k), streamwise derivatives may be obtained by differentiating the data in the i direction - slice_x10.xyz (computational grid at x/L=1.0 cross-section) - slice_x10.fun (velocity and Reynolds stress components at x/L=1.0 cross-section) - slice_x11.xyz (computational grid at x/L=1.1 cross-section) - slice_x11.fun (velocity and Reynolds stress components at x/L=1.1 cross-section) ... # Spanwise slice at the symmetry plane (y=0) 5521x1x825 (i,j,k) - slice_y0.xyz - slice_y0.fun # Quantities over the y-minimum wall 5521x2x825 (i,j,k), wall-normal derivatives may be obtained by differentiating the data in the j direction - slice_yw.xyz - slice_yw.fun # Entire field data (provided upon request, 196GB in total) 5521x825x825 ========================================================================================================= All the data is written in the PLOT3D format (C binary, little-endian, single precision) # Fortran example (.xyz) read(iu) imax,jmax,kmax read(iu) (((x(i,j,k),i=1,imax),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax) read(iu) (((y(i,j,k),i=1,imax),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax) read(iu) (((z(i,j,k),i=1,imax),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax) # Python example (.xyz) dims=np.fromfile(f,"i4",3) x=np.fromfile(f,"f4",dims.prod()).reshape(np.flipud(dims)) y=np.fromfile(f,"f4",dims.prod()).reshape(np.flipud(dims)) z=np.fromfile(f,"f4",dims.prod()).reshape(np.flipud(dims)) # Fortran example (.fun) read(iu) imax,jmax,kmax,nfunc read(iu) ((((data(i,j,k,n),i=1,imax),j=1,jmax),k=1,kmax),n=1,nfunc) # Python example (.fun) dims=np.fromfile(f,"i4",4) data=np.fromfile(f,"f4",dims.prod()).reshape(np.flipud(dims)) # Variables: rho/rho_inf u/u_inf v/u_inf w/u_inf p/p_inf u'u'/u_inf^2 (not included in the wall surface data) v'v'/u_inf^2 (not included in the wall surface data) w'w'/u_inf^2 (not included in the wall surface data) u'v'/u_inf^2 (not included in the wall surface data) v'w'/u_inf^2 (not included in the wall surface data) w'u'/u_inf^2 (not included in the wall surface data)